I am a reluctant convert – but my publishers ordered me onto the twittersphere in preparation for publication. But already, I am finding it a really useful source of information and an interesting forum for a certain kind of debate. Good for literacy skills too!
Twitter – Good for literary skills? Clearly this has come from someone who doesn’t spend a lot of time reading tweets! It’s good marketing for your book though, so stick with it.
I am going to disagree with you Tim. I think twitter IS good way to hone down your points to a pithy one liner. Obviously, not everyone manages it……! As for marketing, I am not sure it is that brilliant for selling books. But it does introduce tweeters to a certain level of discussion, as well as total trivia.
Reluctant to join twitter; keen to contact you, Melissa. Would you be interested/able to contribute to a small conference (participants in our school-based MA) at London South Bank University, morning of November 19th. V short notice, I know!
Also, would like to nominate you for an Honorary Degree from LSBU. OK?
What is the conference Peter?
Peter, I am really sorry…. I am speaking at another conference on NOvember 19th, Caught in the Act.. I know this is probably too late. Have only just seen your e-mail or been able to read it properly – the background used to be black, you may remember and I missed half my messages.
So definitely have not seen your suggestion of an honorary degree…sounds fun! And not nearly as much hard work as my first one!
When will I see you again? (Free degrees 🙂